The IMA council manage the IMA together with the none-office holding, elected members of the Executive Committee. Particularly, they support the organization of the IMC, organize regular meetings of the Executive Committee, oversee the publication of IMA fungus, and represent the IMA globally.
President |
Prof. Dr. Marc Stadler |
Marc Stadler studied biology at the University of Kaiserslautern and received his PhD in 1993 the subject of new antibiotics and nematicides from predacious fungi. After a post-doctoral stay at University of Lund/Sweden in natural product chemistry, he joined the pharmaceutical industry in 1995 and worked in the natural products department of Bayer Healthcare (Pharma Division). He co-founded the company InterMed Discovery GmbH in 2006, as an MBO from Bayer. Concurrently, he was teaching at University of Bayreuth, where he received the venia legendi in Mycology in 2009. He took up his current position as Department Head at the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research (HZI, Braunschweig, Germany) in 2012 and is teaching biology and biotechnology at Technical University of Braunschweig. His main research interests are the discovery of new beneficial secondary metabolites and the development of biotechnological processes for their sustainable production, as well as the taxonomy and phylogeny of the ascomycete class Sordariomycetes. |
Secretary-General |
Dr. Jennifer Luangsa-ard |
Dr. Jennifer Luangsa-ard is a biotechnologist and mycologist; Dipl. Biotechnologie TU Braunschweig; PhD Tropical Agriculture at Kasetsart University. To date she’s a senior researcher at BIOTEC, NSTDA, Thailand. Past IMA Vice President (2014-2018), IMA Secretary General (2018-present).Her research focusses on the evolution of invertebrate pathogenic fungi, phylogenetics and plant microbe interactions. |
Treasurer |
Dr. Andrin Gross |
Dr. Gross is a mycologist; PhD 2013, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, focusing on various aspects of the ash dieback pathogen Hymenoscyphus fraxineus; postdoctoral studies at ETH Zurich (2013-2016) on the same pathosystem and at INRA Pierroton, Bordeaux, France (2017) focusing on the population genetics of oak powdery mildew. Became the leader of the Swiss national datacenter SwssFungi (2018-to date) which hosts a fungi records database, and which is responsible to guide fungal conservation in Switzerland. His main research interests is in fungal taxonomy, ecology and the development and implementation of new monitoring tools such as eDNA metabarcoding. Currently, he and his colleagues are working on the revision of the fungal red lists for Switzerland using a combination of data from eDNA, citizen science campaigns and traditional surveys on randomly selected plots. Besides, he is still interested in invasive fungi and regularly publishes factsheets for practitioners about newly introduced species. |
Past President |
Prof. Dr. Wieland Meyer |
Prof. Meyer is a molecular medical mycologist, PhD 1992 Humboldt University Berlin, Germany; post-doctoral fellow 1992-1995 Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC, USA; established the Molecular Mycology Research Laboratory in 1995, Prof. for Molecular Medical Mycology (2013-2022), Adjunct Prof. since 2022, Sydney Medical School, University of Sydney, NSW; Associate Dean Curtin Medical School 2021–2022 and Dean of Research Faculty of Health Sciences 2022–2023, and Adjunct Prof. for Molecular Medical Mycology since 2023 at Curtin University, Perth, WA, Australia; Guest Professor at Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (FIOCRUZ), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil since 2013; Director of the Westerdijk Fungal Biodiversity Institute of the Royal Dutch Academy of Arts and Science (KNAW) in Utrecht, Netherlands since 2023. His research interest is in evolution, phylogeny, population genetics, genomics, molecular epidemiology and identification of human/animal pathogenic fungi, the impact of mycoses on global heath, fungal pathogenesis and antifungal resistance. |
President Elect |
Prof. Dr. Mary Catherine Aime
Aime is a systematic mycologist, PhD 2001 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA, USA; post-doc 2001-2003 at the University of Oxford, Oxford, UK; Research Molecular Mycologist at the United States Department of Agriculture, Beltsville, MD, USA, 2003-2007; Associate Professor of Mycology at Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, USA, 2007-2012; Professor of Mycology at Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA since 2012; Director of the Arthur and Kriebel Herbaria, Purdue University, since 2012; Program Officer of the U.S. National Science Foundation, Alexandria VA, USA 2022-2024; Fellow of the Explorer’s Club since 2007, Fellow of the Linnean Society of London since 2009, Fellow of the Mycological Society of America since 2012, Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science since 2020; President of the Mycological Society of America 2023-2024. Her research combines expeditionary field work and traditional approaches with molecular genetics and multi-omics approaches to understand fungal diversity and evolution. Areas of specialization include tropical basidiomycetes, systematics of early diverging basidiomycete lineages (including smuts and yeasts), evolution of rust fungi, and epidemiology of tropical tree diseases. |
Chair of the previous IMC |
Prof. Dr. P.W. Crous
Westerdijk Fungal Biodiversity Institute |
Prof. Crous is a mycologist and plant pathologist; PhD 1992 Orange Free State Univ., South Africa; DSc 2009 Univ. of Pretoria; Prof. at Univ. of Stellenbosch since 1995, Univ. of Pretoria since 2002, Univ. of Utrecht since 2010, Univ. of Wageningen (2002–2023), Univ. of the Free State (2012–2021), Univ. of Melbourne (2013–2015), Univ. of Murdoch (2014–2016), Univ. of Chiang Mai (2017), Beijing Forestry Univ. (2019–2021); past Director, Westerdijk Fungal Biodiversity Institute (KNAW) (2002–2023), past President, International Mycological Association (2006–2010), Member, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, Member Royal Academy for Overseas Sciences, Fellow Linnean Society of London, Southern African Society for Plant Pathology, and Honorary Member Mycological Society of America, and Mycological Society of India. His research focusses on the evolution of plant pathogenic fungi, phylogenetics, host adaptation, speciation and fungal sex. |
Chair of the next IMC |
Prof. Dr. Kap-Hoon Han South Korea |
Prof. Dr. Kap-Hoon Han. |